Prepare For The First Day of School

  • Alejandra
  • August 9, 2024
  • 3 mins read

How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Day of School: Tips for Families

The first day of school is a milestone filled with excitement, anticipation, and a touch of anxiety—for both children and parents. At Action Day Schools, we understand that this transition can be a big step, especially for young children starting preschool or kindergarten. To help make the process smoother for your family, we’ve compiled a list of tips to prepare your child for their first day of school that is helpful for all ages. 

1. Establish a Routine Early

Sleep Schedule: Begin adjusting your child’s sleep schedule at least a week before school starts. Ensure they get enough sleep by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.

Morning Routine: Practice the morning routine in advance, including getting dressed, eating breakfast, and gathering their school supplies. This can help reduce stress on the actual day.


2. Visit the School Together

If possible, take your child to visit the school before their first day. Familiarizing them with the environment, including their classroom, playground, and other facilities, can help reduce anxiety. Meeting their teacher beforehand can also make the first day less intimidating.


3. Talk About What to Expect

Have conversations with your child about what their school day will look like. Discuss activities like playing, learning, making new friends, and even lunchtime. This will help set realistic expectations and reduce the fear of the unknown.


4. Practice Independence

Encourage your child to practice tasks they will need to do at school, such as using the bathroom independently, opening their lunchbox, and dressing themselves. These small acts of independence can boost their confidence and make them feel more prepared.


5. Label Everything

Make sure to label all your child’s belongings, including their backpack, lunchbox, and clothing. This will help prevent any mix-ups and ensure that lost items are easily returned.

6. Read Books About School

Reading books about going to school can be a fun way to prepare your child emotionally. Choose stories that portray school in a positive light and address common first-day concerns. Some great choices are David Goes To School,  The Night Before Kindergarten, or Llama Llama Misses Mama. This can help your child relate to the characters and feel more at ease.

7. Prepare for a Smooth Transition

Pack the Night Before: Prepare your child’s backpack, outfit, and lunch the night before to avoid morning rush and stress. If you purchase lunch through Action Day’s hot lunch program, buy in advance so that you never forget.

Arrive Early: On the first day, try to arrive at school a bit early to give your child time to acclimate to the surroundings before the day officially begins.


8. Create a Goodbye Ritual

Establish a special goodbye ritual that you can do each morning, whether it’s a hug, a high-five, or a special phrase. This consistent, reassuring routine can help ease separation anxiety for both you and your child.


9. Stay Positive and Reassuring

Your child will pick up on your emotions, so try to stay positive and enthusiastic about the first day of school. Reassure them that feeling a bit nervous is normal, but focus on the fun and 


10. Be Prepared for Tears

It’s normal for children to feel overwhelmed on the first day, and tears might happen. If they do, stay calm and reassure your child that you’ll be back to pick them up. Trust that the teachers are experienced in handling first-day jitters and will help your child adjust.

Final Thoughts

Starting school is a big step for your child, but with the right preparation, it can be a positive and exciting experience. By following these tips, you’ll help your child feel confident and ready to embrace this new adventure. Remember, the first day is just the beginning of a wonderful journey of learning and growth.

Here’s to a fantastic start to the school year!


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